I would like to retain some of the structure of a UML model I am converting to an Ontology, but not 'as part' of the ontology (meaning, they are not classes) so that I can, if I choose, to load it up in a tree view and have the elements of the ontology organized in the 'containers' so that they are categorized. I'm not looking at the packages as classes per say, and maybe I should but, I wanted to see if anyone else has faced this issue and how it was solved.
Does OWL 2 have a construct/declaration for such a thing?
Is this something I can manage in namespaces??? For example, I've mocked up what I'm thinking, which could be ENTIRELY the wrong approach. Everything in between the base URL and the # are how the model is organized in packages in a UML model:
"www.onto.com/Base/DataTypes#Classfication" <! -- datatype that is a type of an Equipment DataProperty
"www.onto.com/Base/Network#NetworkNode" <! -- Refers to a piece of equipment
The above example gets across essentially what I'm trying to represent, meaning the packages aren't classes, but at the same time I can parse out the 'structure' if needed and not 'muddy' the ontology.
I'm thinking though that with the above approach, I'm creating an ontology of ontologies, lol...
Any thoughts on how to handle are greatly appreciated!