sync_reasoner could not load imported ontology

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sync_reasoner could not load imported ontology

Hi there,

I have multiple ontologies that import one other, all in local files. These ontologies load perfectly using get_ontology.load() and I can access all the parts of the ontologies.

However, when I call sync_reasoner, I get the following issue:
Could not load imported ontology: <> Cause: Connection refused: connect

I am unsure why it is trying to connect to the URL, given that .load() finds the local files. What am I missing here? Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you so much, this is an awesome tool!
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Re: sync_reasoner could not load imported ontology

Mike Bergman

Hi Caitlin,

It sounds like one of your local files is attempting to import the external ontology. If the connection continues not to work, you will have to find a copy of the ontology, install it on your local machine, and change the reference to it to your local file system.

Best. Mike

On 5/20/2020 9:40 PM, Caitlin [via Owlready] wrote:
Hi there,

I have multiple ontologies that import one other, all in local files. These ontologies load perfectly using get_ontology.load() and I can access all the parts of the ontologies.

However, when I call sync_reasoner, I get the following issue:
Could not load imported ontology: <> Cause: Connection refused: connect

I am unsure why it is trying to connect to the URL, given that .load() finds the local files. What am I missing here? Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you so much, this is an awesome tool!

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Re: sync_reasoner could not load imported ontology

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your response!

All of the imported ontologies in this case do not have an external ontology but merely are ontologies that I created myself and exist locally.

Is there a way to ensure that sync_reasoner picks up these local copies instead of attempting to check online?

Kind Regards,
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Re: sync_reasoner could not load imported ontology

Mike Bergman
Hi Caitlin,

I'm not sure exactly what you are looking at, but I suspect your error message arose because a prefix statement at the head of one of your imported (local) ontologies references <>. If that is the case, to correct it, you will need to find a copy of the ontology, save it locally, and change the prefix URI reference to your local version.

If that is not the solution, I don't have any further ideas.

Hope that works!

Best, Mike