sub-second reasoning possible?

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sub-second reasoning possible?


I am finding that as the number of equivalency classes and the number of individuals increases in my ontology my reasoning speed has dipped significantly when I call sync_reasoner(). I am wondering what options are available to me to speed up the reasoner?

The best possible solution I can think of would be to break my ontology into worlds and write to a sql file but I am not a hundred percent sure that will do the job. It would be a significant enough refactor I wanted to reach out first.

I need to be able to handle significant traffic and in order to do that I have to be able to reason much faster. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


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Re: sub-second reasoning possible?


Reasoning time is a common problem with ontologies, and there is no perfect solution...

The common trick consists in using more simpler OWL profile : to reduce the diversity of OWL constructors in order to simplify the underlying description logic and the reasoning.

Another solution (not yet implemented in Owlready) would be to pre-classify part of the ontology, in order to have only new part classified.

Best regards,