I have an ontology file which can
sometimes be loaded with owlready and sometimes I get an
. The ontology file originally comes from an n-triples file which I converted to rdf/xml with rdflib. It might be the case that something is wrong with that file, but I find it strange that sometimes there is an error and sometimes not.
Here is the code that reproduces the error:
import owlready2 as owl2
onto = owl2.get_ontology("ontology_data/base.rdf.xml").load()
See also this notebook for the informative traceback:
https://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/cknoll/demo-material/blob/main/expertise_system/owlready_demo3.ipynbThis is the corresponding data file:
https://github.com/cknoll/demo-material/blob/main/expertise_system/ontology_data/base.rdf.xmlAny ideas how to prevent or mitigate this behavior?