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This post was updated on May 28, 2019; 3:49am.
my error in UMLS import is : """ * Owlready2 * Warning: optimized Cython parser module 'owlready2_optimized' is not available, defaulting to slower Python implementation Importing UMLS from Zip file 2018AB-full/2018ab-1-meta.nlm... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRRANK.RRF.gz as MRRANK... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRCONSO.RRF.aa.gz as MRCONSO... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRCONSO.RRF.ab.gz as MRCONSO... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRDEF.RRF.gz as MRDEF... Importing UMLS from Zip file 2018AB-full/2018ab-2-meta.nlm... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRREL.RRF.aa.gz as MRREL... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRREL.RRF.ab.gz as MRREL... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRREL.RRF.ac.gz as MRREL... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRREL.RRF.ad.gz as MRREL... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRREL.RRF.ae.gz as MRREL... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRSAT.RRF.aa.gz as MRSAT... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRSAT.RRF.ab.gz as MRSAT... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRSAT.RRF.ac.gz as MRSAT... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRSAT.RRF.ad.gz as MRSAT... Parsing 2018AB/META/MRSAT.RRF.ae.gz as MRSAT... Breaking ORIG cycles... SNOMEDCT_US : 0 cycles found: ICD10 : 0 cycles found: SRC : 0 cycles found: Finalizing only properties and restrictions... Finalizing CUI - ORIG mapping... Indexing... FTS Indexing... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/nikvand/ReportProcess/test.py", line 5, in <module> import_umls("umls-2018AB-full.zip", terminologies = ["ICD10", "SNOMEDCT_US", "CUI"]) File "/home/nikvand/ReportProcess2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/owlready2/pymedtermino2/umls.py", line 699, in import_umls default_world.full_text_search_properties.append(label) File "/home/nikvand/ReportProcess2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/owlready2/util.py", line 76, in append def append(self, x): old = list(self); super().append(x) ; self._callback(self._obj, old) File "/home/nikvand/ReportProcess2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/owlready2/namespace.py", line 431, in _full_text_search_changed self.graph.enable_full_text_search(Prop.storid) File "/home/nikvand/ReportProcess2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/owlready2/triplelite.py", line 971, in enable_full_text_search self.execute("""CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_%s USING fts5(s UNINDEXED, o, d UNINDEXED, content=datas, content_rowid=rowid)""" % prop_storid) sqlite3.OperationalError: no such module: fts5 On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 7:43 AM Moslem Samiee <moslemsamiee@gmail.com> wrote: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such module: fts5 """ can you help me please ? thanks |
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It seems that your version of Python do not have SQLite with FTS (Full-Text-Search) support. Under Linux, SQLite can be a shared library, so you should update Python but also SQLite3. Jiba |
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hi Jiba thanks a lot On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 2:40 PM Jiba [via Owlready] <[hidden email]> wrote: Hi, |
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In reply to this post by Jiba
Hi Jiba,
I'm facing the same problem. I'm using windows with anaconda. I tried to update the sqlite and sqlite3 from anaconda, but do not work. my version is like follow: print(__import__("sqlite3").version) 2.6.0 print (__import__("sqlite3").sqlite_version) 3.31.1 print(sys.version) 3.7.6 (default, Jan 8 2020, 20:23:39) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] Importing UMLS from Zip file umls-2019AB-metathesaurus.zip with Python version 3.7... Parsing 2019AB/META/MRRANK.RRF as MRRANK Parsing 2019AB/META/MRCONSO.RRF as MRCONSO Parsing 2019AB/META/MRDEF.RRF as MRDEF Parsing 2019AB/META/MRREL.RRF as MRREL Parsing 2019AB/META/MRSAT.RRF as MRSAT Breaking ORIG cycles... SNOMEDCT_US : 0 cycles found: ICD10 : 0 cycles found: SRC : 0 cycles found: Finalizing only properties and restrictions... Finalizing CUI - ORIG mapping... FTS Indexing... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OperationalError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-7-a1e6606c43bd> in <module> ----> 1 import_umls("umls-2019AB-metathesaurus.zip", terminologies = ["ICD10", "SNOMEDCT_US", "CUI"]) D:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\owlready2\pymedtermino2\umls.py in import_umls(umls_zip_filename, terminologies, langs, fts_index, extract_groups, extract_attributes, extract_relations, extract_definitions, remove_suppressed) 747 if fts_index: 748 print("FTS Indexing...") --> 749 default_world.full_text_search_properties.append(label) 750 default_world.full_text_search_properties.append(PYM.synonyms) 751 D:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\owlready2\util.py in append(self, x) 75 def _replace(self, old, new): super().__setitem__(self.index(old), new) 76 def reinit(self, l): old = list(self); super().__init__(l) ; self._callback(self._obj, old) ---> 77 def append(self, x): old = list(self); super().append(x) ; self._callback(self._obj, old) 78 def insert(self, i, x): old = list(self); super().insert(i, x) ; self._callback(self._obj, old) 79 def extend(self, l): old = list(self); super().extend(l) ; self._callback(self._obj, old) D:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\owlready2\namespace.py in _full_text_search_changed(self, old) 474 self.graph.disable_full_text_search(Prop.storid) 475 for Prop in new - old: --> 476 self.graph.enable_full_text_search(Prop.storid) 477 478 def new_blank_node(self): return self.graph.new_blank_node() D:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\owlready2\triplelite.py in enable_full_text_search(self, prop_storid) 1001 self.execute("""INSERT INTO prop_fts VALUES (?)""", (prop_storid,)); 1002 -> 1003 self.execute("""CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE fts_%s USING fts5(s UNINDEXED, o, d UNINDEXED, content=datas, content_rowid=rowid)""" % prop_storid) 1004 self.execute("""INSERT INTO fts_%s(rowid, s, o, d) SELECT rowid, s, o, d FROM datas WHERE p=%s""" % (prop_storid, prop_storid)) 1005 OperationalError: no such module: fts5 |
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FTS5 is available in Sqlite3 since version 3.9.0. However, it may or may not be compiled. According to the following link, Anaconda does not include FTS5. https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/9034 If not available, the best option is probably to install a fresh version of Python. Jiba |
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