Hello and thank you for building such a useful tool!
Snomed defines a Expressions Constraint Language (
https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/DOCECL/Expression+Constraint+Language+-+Specification+and+Guide). Has there been any work done of interpreting these expressions on Owlready?
For example,
https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/ allows running queries using expressions such as "get me all findings related to lower-leg fracture"
< 404684003 |Clinical finding| : {
116676008 |Associated morphology| =
72704001 |Fracture| ,
363698007 |Finding site| =
702468001 |Bone structure of lower leg| }
Fracture of lower leg (disorder) 414292006
Fracture of tibia and/or fibula due to birth trauma (disorder) 206214000
Fracture of upper end of lower leg (disorder) 69166006
If SNOMED expression syntax isn't supported, what's your advice of representing SNOMED expressions?