I have an owl file that is basically modelling a Sudoku in an ontology. It is basically a single class with multiple individuals Action as fields and numbers.
The numbers and fields are connected with sameAs and AllDifferent depending on the given Sudoku. In protege hermit completes the sudoku based on those sameAs/AllDifferent inputs, but using hermit in owlready nothing happens.
Re: saneAs and AllDifferent using owlready reasoner
sameAs and AllDifferent are normally supported by Owlready. However, they have different names in Owlready than in OWL or Protégé: sameAs is named equivalent_to (identical name as for classes), and AllDifferent is actually an alias to AllDisjoint.
Do you create your ontology in Owlready or entirely in Protégé? Would it be possible to send it to me so I can investigate the problem?
Re: saneAs and AllDifferent using owlready reasoner
I've looked at your Sudoku ontology. It relies on the discovery of new sameAs relations. However, Hermit and Pellet reasoners do not output such relation when called in command line (as Owlready does). They only give the classification of classes and individuals.
Possibly, you can rewrite your ontology in order to use classes instead of individuals (equivalent classes are produced by the reasoner).