retrieve hirarechy of sub-properties in an ontology

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retrieve hirarechy of sub-properties in an ontology

Hi, I'm new to owlready2.

In my ontology I have several properties that have sub-properties e.g. property “ has a resource” has sub-properties “has a human resource”, “has a consumable resource”, “has material resource". I need to retrieve the hierarchy for a given property in my ontology as an example to get the hierarchy for property “ has a resource”.

I loaded my ontology and run the pellet reasoner on it and get all the properties of my ontology. But I have no idea how I can reach sub-properties of a property.

onto = get_ontology(“http://my.ontology.test”)
test = get_namespace("http://my.ontology.test#")
owl = get_namespace("")
propertiesGen =