I effectively did something similar, where I gathered all imports (in some imports folder) and the main owl file (where the imports statements are placed) into one single rdf/xml file.
The code simply involved the world ontology and the rdflib hook. Here it is for inspiration:
import owlready2 as owl
import pathlib
import os
importPath = pathlib.Path('../TissuePhenomics.owl')
exportPath = pathlib.Path('../TissuePhenomicsAll.owl')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(importPath.parent, 'imports')):
owl.onto_path.append(os.path.join(importPath.parent, 'imports'))
raise Exception
if importPath.exists():
tpoImport = owl.get_ontology(str(importPath.resolve())).load(only_local=True)
raise FileNotFoundError
world = owl.default_world
graph = world.as_rdflib_graph()
graph.serialize(destination=str(exportPath.resolve()), format="xml")