“.nt” in owlready parent class name

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“.nt” in owlready parent class name

Sumit Purohit
I am trying to build an ontology tree using owlready2 But i see that owlready2 loads files differently. I have three Owl ontologies in .nt format. A, B ,C Both A, and B have classes which are rdfs:subClassOf classes defined in C

The issue is that parent of every class in A is listed as "C.nt.ClassName1" where as the parent of every class in B is listed as "C.ClassName1". (without ".nt"

Because of this, "Thing" only lists "C.nt.ClassName1" as its child so there is not way for me to traverse to classes of B using "Thing".

Why does owlready creates parent class names in two different ways ?

Please see this link for a detailed example:
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Re: “.nt” in owlready parent class name


I've tried your example and I've found a bug on Ntriples files that do not end by a trailing new line.

I've fixed this bug in the development version, however, I'm not entirely sure that it is related to your problem... Could you try it ? (or verify that you have new line at the end of your NT files) ?

Best regards,