loading CIDOC CRM fails

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loading CIDOC CRM fails


I am having trouble to load CIDOC CRM.

When I do
onto = get_ontology('http://www.cidoc-crm.org/sites/default/files/cidoc_crm_v6.2.1-2018April.rdfs')

I dont get an error message but owlready2 doesnt import any classes.

It works with the erlangen crm (OWL version of the same ontology)

Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: loading CIDOC CRM fails


I think the problem is due to the fact that, in your file, classes are declared as "rdfs:Class" and not "owl:Class". But Owlready expect OWL class.
Same problem occurs for Properties.

I considered the addition of aliases (= considering rdfs:Class as an alias for owl:Class). However, this cannot be done for Properties, since OWL only has ObjectProperty and DataProperty, but no "general" Property.

Basically, your file is an RDFS file but not a "real" OWL ontology. This is why Owlready cannot read it.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13

> Hi,
> I am having trouble to load CIDOC CRM.
> When I do
> onto =
> get_ontology('http://www.cidoc-crm.org/sites/default/files/cidoc_crm_v6.2.1-2018April.rdfs')
> I dont get an error message but owlready2 doesnt import any classes.
> It works with the erlangen crm (OWL version of the same ontology)
> Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: loading CIDOC CRM fails


I guess I didnt read the description properly. I thought Owlready2 could also read RDFS. However, doesnt really matter as Erlangen CRM is an OWL version of CIDOC anyway and it is working fine with Owlready2.