When I load the ontology from file, like:
onto = get_ontology("file:path//to/file.owl").load() with onto: onto.save(file=settings.ONTOLOGY_DIR + "ASE2020SecConWebOne" + projectName + "_" + projOwner + ".owl", format="rdfxml") Next, I do: owlready2.JAVA_EXE = settings.JAVA_DIR world = World() world.get_ontology("file://"+settings.ONTOLOGY_DIR + "ASE2020SecConWebOne" + projectName + "_" + projOwner + ".owl").load() sync_reasoner_pellet(world,infer_property_values = True, infer_data_property_values = True) Everything works great. However, when I load the ontology like: onto = get_ontology("http://ontologyfile.owl").load() with onto: onto.save(file=settings.ONTOLOGY_DIR + "ASE2020SecConWebOne" + projectName + "_" + projOwner + ".owl", format="rdfxml") Next, I do: owlready2.JAVA_EXE = settings.JAVA_DIR world = World() world.get_ontology("file://"+settings.ONTOLOGY_DIR + "ASE2020SecConWebOne" + projectName + "_" + projOwner + ".owl").load() sync_reasoner_pellet(world,infer_property_values = True, infer_data_property_values = True) I get: Java error message is: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.mgt.ARQMgt). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.rete.Tuple.<init>(Tuple.java:47) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.rete.Fact.<init>(Fact.java:38) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.rete.BetaNode.join(BetaNode.java:129) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.rete.Interpreter.processBetaNodes(Interpreter.java:109) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.rete.Interpreter.run(Interpreter.java:236) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.ContinuousRulesStrategy.applyRete(ContinuousRulesStrategy.java:179) at com.clarkparsia.pellet.rules.ContinuousRulesStrategy.complete(ContinuousRulesStrategy.java:322) at org.mindswap.pellet.ABox.isConsistent(ABox.java:1423) at org.mindswap.pellet.ABox.isConsistent(ABox.java:1260) at org.mindswap.pellet.KnowledgeBase.consistency(KnowledgeBase.java:1987) at org.mindswap.pellet.KnowledgeBase.isConsistent(KnowledgeBase.java:2061) at pellet.PelletRealize.run(PelletRealize.java:70) at pellet.Pellet.run(Pellet.java:105) at pellet.Pellet.main(Pellet.java:59) When I check the files that were save when I loaded from file and load from uri, the only difference is the order of the SWRL atoms. So, if I have in the original owl file: UseCase(?uc) ^ UseCase(?uc2) ^ hasFlowGroup(?uc, ?g) ^ hasFlowGroup(?uc2, ?g) ^ isPartOfGroup(?f, ?g) ^ isPartOfGroup(?f2, ?g) ^ Search(?s1) ^ hasAction(?f, ?s1) ^ Search(?s2) ^ hasAction(?f2, ?s2) ^ actorPartOf(?a, ?uc) ^ actorPartOf(?a2, ?uc2) ^ sameAs(?a2, ?a) ^ differentFrom(?uc, ?uc2) ^ Aggregation(?ag) -> raise(?a, ?ag) and the newly save owl file for the the load from url would be: differentFrom(?uc, ?uc2) ^ actorPartOf(?a2, ?uc2) ^ actorPartOf(?a, ?uc) ^ hasFlowGroup(?uc, ?g) ^ Search(?s2) ^ Aggregation(?ag) ^ UseCase(?uc) ^ isPartOfGroup(?f2, ?g) ^ Search(?s1) ^ hasFlowGroup(?uc2, ?g) ^ hasAction(?f, ?s1) ^ hasAction(?f2, ?s2) ^ isPartOfGroup(?f, ?g) ^ sameAs(?a2, ?a) ^ UseCase(?uc2) -> raise(?a, ?ag) As is there a way to keep the swrl in the order of the original owl file. I think because I have several swrl rules that are being reorder, it is causing the OutOfMemoryError. |
Most ontology tools do not preserve atom order, including Protégé. Owlready write them in quadstore order, which should be directly dependent of the reading order -- also Sqlite3 do not explicitly garantee that. You may also try to increase Java memory (using the latest version of Owlready) with: owlready2.reasoning.JAVA_MEMORY = 4000 # Default is 2000 Jiba |
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