equivalent_to property is not symmetric?

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equivalent_to property is not symmetric?

I have created two small ontologies. In one of the ontologies I define a class Human, in the other one class Person. In Person, I specify equivalent_to = [ontology1.Human]. After that I sync_reasoner([ontology1, ontology2]); and save both ontologies into two separate files. However, only Person in ontology2 has the owl:equivalentClass property, Human in ontology1 doesn't have that property? Is that a bug or equivalent_to is not symmetric? If so, then is there a way to set owl:SameAs property in Owlready2?
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Re: equivalent_to property is not symmetric?


The reverse assertion (i.e. Human equivalent to Person) is considered as a trivial inference, and is not stored in the quadstore -- it can be deduced from (Person equivalent to Human) easily.

Within Owlready, you can use Human.INDIRECT_equivalent_to to obtain those trivial inferences.

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Re: equivalent_to property is not symmetric?

Does Human.INDIRECT_equivalent_to include all the direct ones?
I thought it was just those indirectly, but it also seems to include those that are direct
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Re: equivalent_to property is not symmetric?

Yes, it includes also the direct ones.