different sites one application Owlready2

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different sites one application Owlready2

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owlready2 is very good for local files, but what can we do when we have different sites and one application?

However, I have an application that runs on different sites; I know that I could set up the sqlite3 from the shared folder if I want to have one database; the other solution is to have a different file to every site, but still is not the best to share the file from Network. Is there any alternative way to set up this?
I know that owlready2 at version 2.09 -2.011 had Postgres as an alternative SQL…
But now what can  Ι do?

Thank you for your answer ….
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Re: different sites one application Owlready2


Postgres support was dropped because it was about 10 times slower than SQLite3.

Latest versions of Owlready2 have improved multiprocessing support. If the two sites run on the same server, it's easy to share the same SQLite3 quadstore file. Otherwise, it's possibly better to duplicate the file.
