creating construct Subclass Of some Class

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creating construct Subclass Of some Class

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I used a script like this to dynamically generate relations:

for Class in onto.classes():
    if some conditions:

It did created relations, but it created them with type VALUE and I wanted them with type SOME. I just can't find how to do that for Subclass Of, not for Equivalent To.

Thanks in advance
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Re: creating construct Subclass Of some Class


The "Class.relation.append" syntax is a shortcut for creating VALUE constraints. This syntax treats classes as if they were instances, and only support VALUE constraints currently.

To create SOME constraint, you need the more complex syntax :


You can use Class.equivalent_to instead of Class.is_a for an equivalence.
You may need to prefix the relation by the ontology (for example: onto.has_part), depending whether you created it locally or you load it from an ontology.