World#get does not try to load entities missing form World#_entities

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World#get does not try to load entities missing form World#_entities

As mention in the subject, World#get does not try to load entities missing from World#_entities, which leads to confusing behavior. For example:

world.get(<some valid IRI of a class>)

fails, while

world[<some valid IRI of a class>]


print([c for c in world.classes()]) # fill the World#_entities cache
world.get(<some valid IRI of a class>)

succeeds (assuming all three are run on a fresh world with a freshly loaded ontology).

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Re: World#get does not try to load entities missing form World#_entities


Actually this was initially intended... but I agree that it is not consistent with get() in Python dictionary.

I've fixed the get() to behave like in Python dicts, and added a new method get_if_loaded() to get only loaded entities.
