WARNING: belongs to more than one entity types (e.g. Class, Property, Individual)

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WARNING: belongs to more than one entity types (e.g. Class, Property, Individual)

While parsing Cell line ontology, I had the following errors. In fact, such errors happened when processing other ontologies as well...

* Owlready2 * WARNING: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0002222 belongs to more than one entity types (e.g. Class, Property, Individual): [owl.AnnotationProperty, owl.ObjectProperty]; I'm trying to fix it...
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Re: WARNING: belongs to more than one entity types (e.g. Class, Property, Individual)


This warning means that some entities belong to more than one OWL primitive type. Here, a property is declared as both an annotation property and an object property.

This is normally incorrect in OWL (but often done in RDF...). Owlready is usually able to fix this, by selecting one of the primitive type.
