Updated documentation and windows builds

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Updated documentation and windows builds

Looking at the documentation at owlready2.readthedocs.io the version shows is 0.23 where the latest version is 0.29.

I use conda with conda-forge for installing owlready2 and the latest windows builds are 0.26 while the macOS and unix builds are 0.29. Not sure who manages the conda builds but can we have those updated?
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Re: Updated documentation and windows builds


You're rigth about the doc. It appears that after migrating from Mercurial to Git, I have not updated ReadTheDoc, so it was still using the old repository.

I fixed that and it should now be Ok.

For Conda, I have no idea about the manager, sorry.

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Re: Updated documentation and windows builds

Thank you for the updated docs. Much better theme.

I found out who manages the conda-forge distribution. owlready2-feedstock on Github does some DevOps to provide builds but the windows builds were failing due to a bug but was fixed in 0.28. After posting an issue the windows builds are up to date.