Unique constraint error

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Unique constraint error

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Hello everybody,

SOmetimes, when I create an individual and rassign its iri to a more convenient one, I gzt this error message :

UNIQUE constraint failed: resources.iri

I really do not understand where it comes from. This appears tro some of my individuals, but all my individuals are built on the same way.
I cleaned the output owl file where my individuals are stored, and rerun it, but I always get the same result.

I suppressed the reassign of iri on all my objzcts, but there is still a, individual that has two different iri. How is it possible ? Is there a "hidden" database or namespace where the iri are stored ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a good day.
Best regards,
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Re: Unique constraint error


Apparently, there was a confusion in my input data. Everything seems to work fine.

Best regards,