Unable to load saved UMLS PYM ontology - could use only once after import

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Unable to load saved UMLS PYM ontology - could use only once after import

Alex Mikhalev
Hello all,
I am trying to import UMLS ontology as defined in doc:
from owlready2 import *
from owlready2.pymedtermino2 import *
from owlready2.pymedtermino2.umls import *

default_world.set_backend(filename = "pym.sqlite3")
PYM = get_ontology("http://PYM/").load()
concept = CUI["C0085580"]
while pym.sqlite3 exists and populated it doesn't load and script fails with

python test_onto_import.py
* Owlready2 * Warning: optimized Cython parser module 'owlready2_optimized' is not available, defaulting to slower Python implementation
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_onto_import.py", line 8, in <module>
    concept = CUI["C0085580"]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
I only managed to run it once after load.
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Re: Unable to load saved UMLS PYM ontology - could use only once after import


I tested your code, and it works with my pym.sqlite3.

Could you try the following line of code :

print(PYM, PYM.__class__)

just after creating PYM, and send me the result?

Are you sure you imported CUI from UMLS (by including "CUI" in the terminologies arg)?
