I'm trying to load the GO (gene ontology).
The links for the OWL files are in here
http://www.geneontology.org/page/download-ontologyIn particular, I want to load go-plus (
However, I get an error, because two of the dependencies of this ontology are not in a owlready2 recognized format (AFAICT they use functional syntax).
With this, I'd like to submit two requests:
1. The error that is raised reads
"NTriples parsing error in file ???, line 1."
This does not allow me to understand what is actually happening (I spent more minutes than I would care to admit on finding exactly what was wrong here). Can this error message be changes to something more useful? For example saying that the file is not in a recognized format instead of mentioning NTriples, and also showing the actual ontology that is being loaded, possibly by leveraging the IRI?
2. Would there be any interest in me contributing with a loading driver for the functional syntax?
If so, where should I start?
Thank you.