Trouble loading multiple ontology modules

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Trouble loading multiple ontology modules

First off: thanks!! This is an incredible package.  Just discovered it this weekend, very excited.  

I have read the documentation twice, and have looked through most of the Q&A, but I'm missing something fairly fundamental.  (for context, I'm pretty deep on owl itself, kind of a hack in python, so my newbieness will be more on the python side)

I have a set of ontologies, available on the web and also in a directory.  

The lowest level ontology, which just imports a bunch more ontologies is available here
and Protege can find it and suck in all the imports.

I haven't figured out how to get the owlready import mechanism to work.

So I tried just looping through the directory on my local disk, but the load() seems to overwrite what was there before.  Either way would be ok for my purposes here.

Again, thanks for creating this.
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Re: Trouble loading multiple ontology modules

I have a work around for this immediate problem (I cut and pasted 19 ttl files into one, loaded it in Protege and exported it as an RDF/XML.  

Longer term I would still like to know how to either get the import mechanism to work, and/ or know how to add more that one ontology file into the same ontology, but I now have a new problem, which I'll start a new topic for.
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Re: Trouble loading multiple ontology modules

In reply to this post by mkumba

If you want to load all your ontologies from local copies, just put them in a directory, use the last part of the IRI as filename with .owl (for example should be in a file called onto.owl), and add that directory to the global variable onto_path.

Owlready will automatically load imported ontologies.
