Good afternoon!
First off, thanks for this great package.
Really appreciate having a simplified way to operate on owl files away from GUIs or Java.
I was wondering whether owlready2 already supports the xsd.duration format and if not what I would need to do to get it to work? Would this need implementing in the parser section?
Here a link to how the format looks like.
xsd.duration format descriptionThe format is really useful to be able to do "on-the-fly" SPARQL duration and date calculations but
has a funky notation, e.g. "P12M" for 12 months, hence I wonder whether this is causing a problem or its something I haven't defined correctly.
Currently when I try to import an instance of a class that is using the data property "has XSD duration" (time ontology) with range "xsd.duration", the result is a parser error
"ValueError: Cannot read literal of datatype 749!".
edit: To expand on this:
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT (now() - "P1Y"^^xsd:duration AS ?year_ago)
does not result in a correctly rendered or output answer. This query results in [[2022]], however unlike the previously presented case, it does run.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time!
With best wishes,