Saving New Imported Ontologies

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Saving New Imported Ontologies

Hi all,

I have been able to create a new ontology and add classes and properties. However I haven't been able to figure out how to save the imported ontologies into the file when is called. I set them in python using

onto.imported_ontologies = [list, of, ontologies]

but when I look at the output file, they are not located in the Ontology section of the rdfxml.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Saving New Imported Ontologies


I've investigated this problem. In the current version of Owlready, you must use append() to add imported ontologies:


Direct assignation to onto.imported_ontologies does not work. I'm going to fix that for future release.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13
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Re: Saving New Imported Ontologies

Thanks for the work around!
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Re: Saving New Imported Ontologies

In reply to this post by Jiba
Now the ontologies are added when I save from owlready2 to a file but aren't there when I import and print(onto.imported_ontologies). It just shows an empty list. I'm using the RDFXML format.

Is there a different way to access them?
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Re: Saving New Imported Ontologies

what I generally do is = "example.owl"). This definitely won't be an empty list.
I think the same works for RDFXML format too if I'm not wrong.
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Re: Saving New Imported Ontologies

In reply to this post by Lindsay

I've tested it, but it seems to work as expected.
I created 2 ontologies with this script:

from owlready2 import *


o1 = get_ontology("")
o2 = get_ontology("")


with o1:
  class C1(Thing): pass

with o2:
  class C2(Thing): pass

And then I loaded o1.owl with the following script :

from owlready2 import *


o1 = get_ontology("").load()


When run, it print the o2 ontology:


Are you sure the problem is not somewhere else?

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13

> Now the ontologies are added when I save from owlready2 to a file but aren't
> there when I import and print(onto.imported_ontologies). It just shows an
> empty list. I'm using the RDFXML format.
> Is there a different way to access them?
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