SWRL out of order

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SWRL out of order

I created swrl rules by owlready2. When I next open the owl file, sometimes the rule shown  out of order,as shown below。Then,I can't do reasoner by SWRLtab or SQWRLtab,I don't expect that to happen.I would be very grateful if you could give me some help。

swrlb:subtract(?s4, 1, ?s3) ^ swrlb:subtract(?s1, ?y, 10.0) ^ swrlb:abs(?s2, ?s1) ^ has_value(?x, ?y) ^ swrlb:divide(?s3, ?s2, 10.0) ^ CLASSA(?x) ^ swrlb:lessThan(?y, 10.0) -> has_risk_sts(?x, false) ^ has_risk(?x, ?s4)
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Re: SWRL out of order


The order of the conditions and consequences is actually not conserved in ontology -- even Protégé sometimes change it. Since they are related by AND logical operator, the order has actually no importance in terms of logics.
