SPARQL queries and IRI usage

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SPARQL queries and IRI usage


My ontology has objects with different base IRIs. Is there a way to write SPARQL queries so that prefix is not used so much?

For example:

query = "PREFIX onto: <..> SELECT ?p ?o WHERE {onto:Apple ?p ?o. }"

What if Apple doesn't have the onto prefix, but instead some other?
I'm also wondering if there's a nice way to list all base IRIs inside the .owl file?

Thank you!
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Re: SPARQL queries and IRI usage


You can define several prefixes if needed, e.g.:

query = "PREFIX onto: <..> PREFIX onto2: <..> SELECT ?o WHERE {onto:Apple onto2:prop ?o. }"

You may also not use prefix at all, but full IRI, e.g.:

query = "SELECT ?p ?o WHERE {<> ?p ?o. }"
