Reasoning ERROR - Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed

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Reasoning ERROR - Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

While attempting to run HermiT in Owready2 over an ontology created from scratch using Owlready2, I get the following error:

It all went pear-shaped: Problem parsing file:///C:/Users/R/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpcpguhz5g
Could not parse ontology.  Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed.

The ontology was created (and is being read from/saved to) a local folder; I suspect the problem is that Owlready2 is placing additional '//' before the filepath.
Do you have any suggestion?

Attached you will find the full output of "sync_reasoner()".

Best regards,

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Re: Reasoning ERROR - Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed


I'm not sure the problem is the "//", because the temporary file is saved in the NTriples format (not OWL/XML or RDF/XML). The problem might be in the content of the generated file.

Could you send me either the ontology or the script that produced it, by email? You can call sync_reasoner as follows to keep the temporary file if you want:

        sync_reasoner(keep_tmp_file = True)

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13
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Re: Reasoning ERROR - Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed

In reply to this post by rdk

I tested with the file you sent me. The problem is the same than in your other message: you should use an URL as ontology IRI, not a filename (even prefixed with file://). It can be a "fake" URL that does not exist on the web, though.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13
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Re: Reasoning ERROR - Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

Thank you for your quick reply!
I have set onto_path[0] to an IRI starting with http:// as you suggested both reasoning started to work.
Protégé is also working as expected.

I have since come across another error using HermiT, but I will open another post.
Once again, thank you.

Best regards,