Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib

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Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib

Hello All,

If I build a graph and saved it in ttl format where it has all classes and their relationships defined, can I load it similar to RDFlib to a graph and start reason on top of it with owlready2 without having to define classes and their properties in owlready2 or I have to redefine all the classes and relationships in classes, properties, restrictions, etc. with owlready2?

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Re: Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib


You cannot run the reasoner on top of an RDFlib store. You need to export the RDFlib store (e.g. to NTriples) and to load it properly in Owlready.

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Re: Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib

Thank you.

It will not work if I export RDFlib store to turtle (.ttl) format?
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Re: Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib

No, Owlready can only read NTriples, RDF/XML and OWL/XML.
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Re: Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib


Can we use tools such as RDF2RDF and others to convert ttl files to n-triples or any other format compatible with owlready2? Have you tried that and does it work?
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Re: Reason on top of graph defined in RDFlib

I never tried that, but it should be ok.