Property assertion saved as annotations

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Property assertion saved as annotations

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm not understanding something deeper on ontology development, but the syntax

instance_name = ClassName("Name")
instance_name.property_name = "property value"

does not actually create an instance/individual with the property value assigned, but only an annotation, i.e. when I open the saved ontology with Protége, I have the Data/Object Property assertions field empty and an annotation with the name of the property and the value I inserted.

Is this a bug? Or am I doing something completely wrong/senseless?

I'm using owlready2 v0.38, but the same behavior where also present in owlready2 v0.37
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Re: Property assertion saved as annotations

I also noted that a new homonymous class (which is going to be a subclass of owl.Thing with no regard for the hierarchy of the "original" class) is generated and that the instance is assigned to this new class.

I'm following the syntax that is also reported in the book, and I have tried both on assigning no property at all, assigning a subset or assigning all the possible property for a given instance of a given class.
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Re: Property assertion saved as annotations


I think there is a problem in the ontology itself, or in the way you are loading it. Could you send me both the ontology and the code please? (or extract sufficient for reproducing the problem)
