Property assertion instead of individual annotation

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Property assertion instead of individual annotation

Hello Together,

I am trying to assert Object and Data properties to an individual and what i get is a individual annotation.
Here is how i tried it.

def TestClass(Thing):

def Attribute(Thing):

def number_of(DataProperty):
     range = [str]

def create_attr(attr):
     new_attr = Attribute(attr, namespace=onto)
     return new_attr

def has_attribute(TestClass >> Attribute):

def create_individual(class):
     attr = create_hazardous_attribute(class["attr"])
     new_subst = TestClass(class["name"], has_attribute=attr, )

How can I assert object and data properties to an individual. I think I misunderstood something fundamental.

Thank you in advance
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Re: Property assertion instead of individual annotation

I think I found a solution, the individual is created as follows:

def create_individual(class):
     attr = create_attr("test_attr")
     new_subst = TestClass(class["name"], namespace=onto)
     new_restriction = onto.has_attribute.value(onto[attr])

When I start a reasoner the property assertions are inferred and there are no annotations.

What do you think, is there another solution (anyway, the solution is working for me)?

Best regards
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Re: Property assertion instead of individual annotation


There are several errors in your first example (some of them probably being typo, e.g. you should use class instead of def for creating OW classes and properties).

Here is the corrected version I used:

from owlready2 import *

onto = get_ontology("")

with onto:
  class TestClass(Thing): pass

  class Attribute(Thing): pass

  class number_of(DataProperty):
     range = [str]

  def create_attr(attr):
    new_attr = Attribute(attr, namespace = onto)
    return new_attr

  class has_attribute(TestClass >> Attribute):

  attr = Attribute("hazardous")
  i = TestClass("i", has_attribute = [attr])

With this version, the relation is defined as an RDF triple. This does not mean that it is an annotation (although annotation also use a single RDF triple).

Your second version use a value restriction instead of a relation. Semantically, it is equivalent, but the direct relation is usually easier to use (and it requires fewer RDF triples).

Best regards,
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Re: Property assertion instead of individual annotation

You are right, there have been typos in the proposed examples.

Thanks for the working example and the hint with the restriction and relation.

Is there an explicit way to add an annotation using owlready2?

Thank you for taking the time!

Best regards,
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Re: Property assertion instead of individual annotation

Yes, you can both create new annotation classes, and new annotation relations.

Please refer to the doc here :
