Properly create Enumerations whose values need to be managed as well??

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Properly create Enumerations whose values need to be managed as well??

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Hi! I would like to know the proper way to approach Enumerations with OWLReady2 in order to manage the values as managed properties. 1. I consider enumerations a Datatype and wonder why the capability does not exist in OwlReady2 to create DataType? e.g., class SomethingType(DataType): 2. If I want to manage the values included in the "OneOf(" list as 'definitions' (not instances) to maintain comments/definition for them, how do I approach this? I'm not a fan of creating individuals for the values, I consider them, again, a DataProperty to be managed.
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Re: Properly create Enumerations whose values need to be managed as well??


I usually create individuals for enumaration, but I can understand that it may not suit to everyone.

You can create custom datatype with Owlready, but it requires a little coding. There is an example here:

You may even use constant integer or string value (not very clean semantically speaking, but fully working for reasoning purpose).

Owlready OneOf([a, b, c,...]) construct can be used for one-of. It works with individuals, but also with datatype values.

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Re: Properly create Enumerations whose values need to be managed as well??

Thank you Jiba,

The rest of my post got cut off because I accidentally put HTML comment code in my post at the end lol. Please review and let me know (DataType or not) if this is the correct approach for handling enumerations with OWLReady? And if.I were not to do individuals, how else would I approach?

Here is what I am currently doing and know that it is likely the incorrect approach:

class Currency(Thing): <— I'd really like to say DataType here???
Currency.comment = ["Monetary currencies"]

class AUD(Thing or DataProperty?): <—-Thing or DataProperty?? (which would would have domain/range)
AUD.comment = ["Australian dollar."]

class CHF(Thing or DataProperty?):
CHF.comment = ["Swiss franc."]


# the class who's property 'unit' is of type 'Currency' (an enum)
class CostPerVolume(Thing):
CostPerVolume.comment = ["Cost per unit volume."]

class has_unit(ObjectProperty): <— This just feels to me it should be DataType
  domain = [CostPerVolume]
  range = [Currency]
has_unit.comment = ["The currency used to calculate unit of cost per volume"]
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Re: Properly create Enumerations whose values need to be managed as well??


It seems correct to me. I would just change:

class AUD(Thing or DataProperty?):
class CHF(Thing or DataProperty?):


class AUD(Currency):
class CHF(Currency):
