It's confidential and I can not share it.
---- the code is
from owlready2 import *
drm = get_ontology("file://C:\\Users\\...Path to ...\\file.owl").load()
and it fails.
---- the traceback is
Previously I get an error in line
KeyError: 'ontologyIRI'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
File "..... \PYTHON\lib\site-packages\owlready2\owlxml_2_ntriples.py", line 492, in parse
raise OwlReadyOntologyParsingError("OWL/XML parsing error in file %s, line %s, column %s." % (getattr(f, "name", getattr(f, "url", "???")), parser.CurrentLineNumber, parser.CurrentColumnNumber)) from e
owlready2.base.OwlReadyOntologyParsingError: OWL/XML parsing error in file .....\file.owl, line 7, column 56.
I do not know what happens ...
best wishes