The ontology was created using protege and populated data from database using the owlready2 library. Now this line is giving this error:
sync_reasoner(my_world) ------------------------------------------- This is the error I encountered: Could not parse ontology. Either a suitable parser could not be found, or parsing failed. See parser logs below for explanation. The following parsers were tried: 1) RDFXMLParser 2) OWLXMLParser 3) OWLFunctionalSyntaxOWLParser 4) TurtleOntologyParser 5) OWLOBOParser 6) KRSS2OWLParser 7) ManchesterOWLSyntaxOntologyParser Detailed logs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: RDFXMLParser org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:///C:/Users/THARIN~2/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpin0r193y; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 8; Element type "http:" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: OWLXMLParser org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:///C:/Users/THARIN~2/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpin0r193y; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 8; Element type "http:" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: OWLFunctionalSyntaxOWLParser Encountered " <FULLIRI> "<> "" at line 1, column 1. Was expecting: "Ontology" ... (Line 0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: TurtleOntologyParser Encountered " <ERROR> "< "" at line 64, column 1. Was expecting: <EOF> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: OWLOBOParser org.coode.owlapi.obo.parser.ParseException: Encountered "<EOF>" at line 941, column 114. Was expecting one of: "[" ... <TAG_NAME> ... <QUOTED_STRING> ... <STRING> ... <TAG_VALUE_WS> ... <COMMENT> ... (Line 941) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: KRSS2OWLParser Encountered " ">" "<> "" at line 1, column 1. Was expecting: <EOF> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser: ManchesterOWLSyntaxOntologyParser Encountered <> at line 1 column 1. Expected one of: Individual: AnnotationProperty: Datatype: DataProperty: ObjectProperty: DisjointProperties: ValuePartition: EquivalentClasses: Import: Prefix: DisjointClasses: Class: SameIndividual: DifferentIndividuals: (Line 1) |
Could you send me the ontology on which you are calling the reasoner? It seems it did not serialized well.
Best regards, Jiba |
In reply to this post by tharindu_mp
I've looked at the ontology you sent me. The problem is caused by some individual names that are not proper URL (or IRI), for example: <Declaration> <NamedIndividual IRI="# After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail. "/> </Declaration> <Declaration> <NamedIndividual IRI="#"/> </Declaration> Owlready is quite "laxist" and accepts these IRI, but HermiT is more strict and does not accept space in IRI. Best regards, Jean-Baptiste Lamy MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13 |
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