Owlready2 installation in Pycharm

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Owlready2 installation in Pycharm

When I am installing Owlready2 package in Pycharm

I am getting the following error.

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Re: Owlready2 installation in Pycharm

I'm not familiar with Pycharm, but did you check your network connection to pypi.org (or whatever mirror you are using)?
I once encountered similar issues with other libraries.

Could it also be related to your Python version?

(I suppose upper case or lower case is not the problem, though I'm always using lower case...)
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Re: Owlready2 installation in Pycharm

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Madhubala
try from command with pip install owlready2 maybe need to update the pip.. follow the instructions in the command line,  but first, you have to activate the environment of your project/
finally, if the problem remains you have to delete the environment and create a new one