Okay, so I think I finally solved the issue.
So, when installing via pip, I couldn't find setup.py file in the owlready2 package folder. So I did a
manual installation. Then go to owlready2/setup.py and between lines 60 and 90, you will find this block:
import Cython.Build
extensions = [
setuptools.Extension("owlready2_optimized", ["owlready2_optimized.pyx"]),
extensions = Cython.Build.cythonize(extensions, compiler_directives = { "language_level" : 3 })
dist = do_setup(extensions)
dist = do_setup([])
Comment it and add the inner part of try before or after the commented block. Run setup.py, and it might work or you might struggle like me:
My problem was that I didn't have MS Visual C++ of the needed version. I downloaded the latest
MS studio build tools and followed through the default installation.
After that, I had errors of not being able to find io.h. Fixed it with
this reply on stackoverflow.
After that, I had LNK errors. Fixed it with
this reply on stackoverflow.
Don't forget to restart your system after creating system variables.