Owlready2 0.3 has been released!

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Owlready2 0.3 has been released!

Hi all,

Owlready is a Python module for ontology-oriented programming.
It can load OWL 2.0 ontologies and manipulate them transparently in Python.

The 2 - 0.3 version of Owlready is mostly a bugfix release. It also add the ability to destroy entities from

The new version can be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):

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Re: Owlready2 0.3 has been released!

Hi Jiba,

first, thanks for this tool, I am glad to finally find something that can deal with RDF/XML and this looks promising.
However, I am having trouble querying the ontology in terms of object properties.
 I can easily get a list of all possible object properties in the ontology, but cannot find out which one applies for a particular individual.
Say I have an individual indivA and I know there is a relation objPropX to an unknown individual indivB.
I can just get indivB by calling indivA.objPropX.
But what if I only have indivA and want to know all the object properties it has (and, subsequently, get the respective individuals it is connected with via this relation)?
How can I achieve this?
I found some function triplets(s,p,o) (and similar) which I can call on the ontology itself and my intuition says this might be what I am looking for,
but it returns empty lists regardless of what I plug in as arguments (which seems to be the default behavior, according to the code?).
Am I missing something, or is this simply work in progress and will be available at some point?
I'd appreciate some help on this.

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Re: Owlready2 0.3 has been released!


Thank you for your feedback. You are true, there is currently no way to obtain the list of properties that are present for a given individual. This was not intended, it is a missing feature.

I've added three new methods for introspecting individuals and properties:

   individual.get_properties() returns a generator that yields the existing properties on a given individual (without dupplicates)

   individual.get_inverse_properties() returns a generator that yields (subject, property) tuples for inverse properties involving the individual

   property.get_relations() returns a generator that yields (subject,object) tuples related by the given property.

These methods have been added in the development version of Owlready2 on Bitbucket.

Kind regards,
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Re: Owlready2 0.3 has been released!

Wow, that was quick, thanks! I'll try it out right away :)
