Owlready2 0.22 has been released!

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Owlready2 0.22 has been released!

Hi everybody,

This new release adds support for disjoint unions, blank node creation with RDFlib, and removes OwlReadySharedBlankNodeError when transfering constructs.

Here are the changes:

* Add support for disjoint unions (Class.disjoint_unions)
* Add deepcopy support on class constructs, and automatically deep-copy constructs when needed (i.e. no more OwlReadySharedBlankNodeError)
* Support the creation of blank nodes with RDFlib

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Re: Owlready2 0.22 has been released!

Thanks Jiba
Do you have any illustrations of the additional bnode functionality to share please?
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Re: Owlready2 0.22 has been released!


You can now create blank node with RDFlib, however, you need to create the blank node with the new BNode() method of the graph object, as in the following example:

import rdflib
graph = default_world.as_rdflib_graph()

bn = graph.BNode()

with onto:
      graph.add((bn, rdflib.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"), rdflib.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class")))
