This new version fixes many bugs and adds the support of ontology metadata.
It also introduces the use of Cython, for improving performances when reading RDF/XML and OWL/XML files.
Owlready2 is now able to read these files as fast as Java !
Here are the changes in version 0.10:
* Add Ontology.metadata for adding/querying ontology metadata
* Allows multiple individual creations with the same name/IRI, now returning the same individuals
* Add OwlReadyInconsistentOntologyError and Word.inconsistent_classes()
* Implement RDF/XML and OWL/XML parsing in Cython (25% speed boost for parsing)
* Small optimization
* Extend individual.prop.indirect() to include relations asserted at the class level
* Add .query_owlready() method to RDF graph
* Bugfixes:
- Fix reasoning when obtaining classes equivalent to nothing
- Fix World creation with backend parameters
- Fix error when adding property at the class definition level
- Fix loading of ontology files with no extension from onto_path
- Fix properties defined with type 'RDF Property' and subproperty of 'OWL Data/Object/Annotation Property'
- Support old SQLite3 versions that do not accept WITHOUT ROWID
- Fix reference to undeclared entities (they were replaced by None, now by their IRI)
- Fix loading and saving ontologies whose base IRI ends with /
- Fix RDF query using string
The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):