Owlready 2-0.31

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Owlready 2-0.31

Hi all,

Owlready 2-0.31 is out!

This version can open SPARQL endpoints, with the new SPARQL engine, and fixes
several bogues, in particular in the SPARQL engine.
Here are the changes:

* Can open SPARQL endpoints (see module owlready2.sparql.endpoint and doc)
* Support ClaML file format in PyMedTermino2 for French ICD10
* Bugfixes:
  - Fix prefix in SPARQL that does not correspond to an existing ontology
  - Fix ! in SPARQL FILTER
  - Fix Thing.subclasses() so as it now returns classes that have parent constructs but no parent named classes
  - Fix metaclass of FusionClass when creating individuals belonging to several classes, including one from PyMedTermino
  - Fix Prop[individual] for functional properties with no relation for the given individual

The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):
