Owlready 2-0.26

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Owlready 2-0.26

 Hi all,

Owlready 2-0.26 is out!

This new release includes a new module for displaying entities in Description Logics (DL), and bugfixes.

Here are the changes:

* Module owlready2.dl_render allows rendering entities to Description Logics (contributed by Simon Bin)
* Bugfixes:
  - Adjustment in the comparison of strings  from SameAs and DiferrentFrom,  allowing equal comparison regardless of the case-sensitive (contributed by Thiago Feijó)
  - Fix transitive equivalent_to relations between classes and OWL constructs
  - Fix AnnotationProperty[entity] where entity is a predefined OWL entity (e.g. comment or Thing)
  - Fix entity.AnnotationProperty where entity is a predefined OWL entity (e.g. comment or Thing)
  - Fix HermiT when reasoning on several ontologies with imports statement
  - Ignore "A type A", with a warning

The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):
