Hi all,
Owlready 2-0.25 is out!
This new release includes a few new features, and bugfixes.
Here are the changes:
* Allow the declaration of custom datatypes with declare_datatype()
* Support the annotation of annotations (e.g. a comment on a comment)
* search() now support the "subproperty_of" argument
* search() now support the "bm25" argument (for full-text searches)
* Bugfixes:
- Fix Concept.descendant_concepts() in PymedTermino2
- Update already loaded properties when new ontologies are loaded
- Now accept %xx quoted characters in file:// URL
- Improve error message on punned entities
- Property.get_relations() now considers inverse properties
- Fix "AttributeError: 'mappingproxy' object has no attribute 'pop'" error
- Fix Thing.instances()
The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):