Owlready 2 - 0.13

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Owlready 2 - 0.13

Hi all,

This new version fixes several bugs and performance regressions related to the new quadstore introduced in the
previous release.

Here are the changes in version 0.13:

* Bugfixes:
  - Fix performance regression due to suboptimal index in the quadstore
  - Fix messing up with IRI ending with a /
  - Fix error in World cloning
  - Fix the addition of Thing in class's parent when redefining a class with Thing as the only parent
  - Fix inverse_resctriction()
  - Add error message when creating an existent quadstore
The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):

Jean-Baptiste Lamy
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Re: Owlready 2 - 0.13

Hi Jiba,

Thank you for your work.

Today I update the owlready2 from 0.11 to 0.13, it shows some warning:

* Owlready2 * Warning: optimized Cython parser module 'owlready2_optimized' is not available, defaulting to slower Python implementation

How do I fix this? thank you.

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Re: Owlready 2 - 0.13


Cython is used in Owlready for optimizing some code in C. Currently, only RDF/XML, OWL/XML and NTriples parsers are concerned. When Cython is available during Owlready installation, it compiles the parsers, leading to a 20% performance boost when parsing ontologies.

You can either install Cython (and a C compiler) and re-install Owlready to benefit from the optimized module, or continue using the non-optimized version -- functionalities are the same, but parsers are a bit slower.

Best regards,
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Re: Owlready 2 - 0.13

Hi Jiba,

I am getting the same Warning even after installing a C compiler and cython and reinstalling owlready2. What might be the problem?