Hi all,
Owlready 0.47 is out!
Here are the changes:
* Support binary data: Python bytes are now mapped to XML base64Binary.
* Bugfixes:
* Fix OPTIONAL blocks in SPARQL queries that share variable outside the OPTIONAL block
* Fix prop1[prop2 in OPTIONAL blocks in SPARQL queries
* Fix individuals belonging to several classes when one of these classes has a OneOf construct including that individual
* Fix descendants when using subclasses of ThingClass (as PyMedTermino2 does)
* Fix and update pymedtermino2
* Fix SPARQL queries with BIND and UNION
I also released a new version (0.2) of Fullpy, a framework that allows to design client-server web applications entirely in Python, using Owlready as database.
The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Owlready2Best regards,