Owlready 0.46

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Owlready 0.46

Hi all,

Owlready 0.46 is out!

Here are the changes:

* Remove warning when Cython module is not available
* Update import OMOP CDM for their new CSV format
* Basic support for enumerated datatypes (= defined with an equivalent_to and a OneOf)
* Improved synchronization and multiprocessor support
* Bugfixes:
  * Fix IRI() return type in SPARQL
  * Fix SPARQL queries with two UNIONs when there is no shared variables between the unions members
  * Fix parsing ontology with IRI ending by '?'
  * Avoid reusing ID of destroyed entity (storid; reuse is problematic when sharing the quadstore with other processes)

The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):

Best regards,