Owlready 0.45

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Owlready 0.45

Hi all,

Owlready 0.45 is out!

Here are the changes:

* The PREDEFINED_ONTOLOGIES global dictionary can now be used to map ontology IRI to arbitrary local pathes or URL.
* The new FTSSqlite3Phrase() string type can be used to perform FTS search using Sqlite3 special syntax, e.g. default_world.search(label = FTSSqlite3Phrase("Electrocardiographic OR ECG"))
* Add support for RDF plain literals, via the plainliteral Python datatype.
* Bugfixes:
  * Fix set_name() on property when python_name is the same as name
  * Fix some special characters (e.g. :) and keyword (e.g. OR) in FTS search
  * Fix literal with no datatype (should be considered as string, see https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-Graph-Literal
  * Fix wrong inheritance of TransitiveProperty, ReflexiveProperty and SymmetricProperty
  * Fix 'DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence' in regexp
  * Raise an error when creating a new ontology inside a with ontology:... block
  * Use rdf:langString for locstr (was rdf:plainLiteral)

The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):

Best regards,