Hi all,
Owlready 0.44 is out!
It also introduces a new syntax for annotating relations: AnnotatedRelation(s,p,o).comment = ["abc"] (NB the old syntax remains supported).
Here are the changes:
* New syntax for annotations on relation, e.g. AnnotatedRelation(s,p,o).comment = "abc" (the old syntax remains supported)
* Optimize annotations on relations
* Support GRAPH clauses in SPARQL INSERT queries
* Observation framework (see owlready2.observe and doc on the observation framework)
* Bugfixes:
- Fix the update of equivalent_to after destroying a class
- Fix the update of annotations on class when modified with SPARQL queries
- Fix SPARQL GRAPH clause in SELECT queries when querying the graph as a variable and all triples are not inside the GRAPH clause
- Prevent multiprocessing loading of large ontologies when fork is not available (i.e. on Mac)
- Fix subproperties parent classes when destroying a property
- Fix loading of TransitiveProperty, SymmetricProperty, AsymmetricProperty, ReflexiveProperty, IrreflexiveProperty
The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Owlready2Best regards,