Owlready 0.43

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Owlready 0.43

Hi all,

Owlready 0.43 is out!

This version includes a **backward incompatible change**: literal with different languages are now considered as different.
For instance:

* locstr("Test", "en") != "Test"
* locstr("Test", "en") != locstr("Test", "fr")

This was not the case in previous releases, and it caused some weird bugs and confusion between literals.

I also would like to introduce a new projet: FullPy is Python module for designing web applications entirely in Python.
It uses Owlready for data semantics and persistance. More information on FullPy can be found here:

* https://fullpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Finally, due to a last minute bug, there is no 0.42 version.

Here are the changes:

* INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Consider literal with different language as different
* Support GRAPH clauses in SPARQL queries
* World now supports custom lock (e.g. World(lock = ...))
* Bugfixes:
  - Fix World(enable_thread_parallelism = True) (was named enable_gevent)
  - Fix blank nodes in rdflib_store
  - Fix FILTER in SPARQL when the filter was just after a recursive query
  - Fix recursive query in SPARQL involving variables in their right part
  - Fix SPARQL query with annotations containing entities
  - Fix property creation when using a Union in the '>>' syntax (e.g. class Prop((MyClass | MyOtherClass) >> str): pass)
  - Fix UMLS extraction in PyMedTermino2
  - Fix Class IRI with brackets (or other special characters) when writing RDF/XML file

The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):

Best regards,
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Re: Owlready 0.43

Intrigued by FullPy in combination with semantic technologies. Do you have some concrete (public) use case where you demonstrate some unique features?

ps. as always thank you for the great work!
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Re: Owlready 0.43

An application of FullPy can be found here :


It is a web application that displays clinical recommendations on Covid-19 using dynamic trees. The recommendation are structured as an OWL ontologies, and then displayed in HTML and CSS.
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Re: Owlready 0.43

Thanks for that link. Its quite impressive what can be done here and now in full python!.

I wonder whether brython will find some so-called "killer app" in the browser. After decades of exclusive javascript in the browser, the huge number of available libraries is quite a factor (in particular visualization like d3.js, three.js etc). With something like pyodide one could use some python data science libraries but I wonder why to do that on the browser rather than the server.

Have you been thinking of more conventional approaches to create a web interface to owlready? (e.g.  flask or fastapi based. In principle also some parts django but not sure what would be the use of its own ORM / db given that owlready has a backend already). Or with a desktop webview based UI it could become a workable alternative to protege?
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Re: Owlready 0.43

I developed some website with Owlready and Flask, but the use of Owlready was limited to the server part and, actually, most of the work was achieved in the sever. In FullPy, the idea is to have an "heavier" client (I also some some experimental protocol for sharing ontology entity with client).