I dynamically construct an ontology from extracted information from few hundreds of documents. I obtain the following error:
File "F:/Python36/workspace/txtstout21owl.py", line 765, in testPeuplementUniqueOnto
for iprod in desc.instances():
File "F:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\owlready2\entity.py", line 365, in instances
return Class.namespace.world.search(type = Class)
File "F:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\owlready2\namespace.py", line 216, in search
r = self.graph.search(prop_vals)
File "F:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\owlready2\triplelite.py", line 475, in search
return self.execute(req, params).fetchall()
OperationalError: too many SQL variables
I can't catch the error with "except OperationalError:", because "NameError: name 'OperationalError' is not defined"
and no more with : "except owl.OperationalError:", because "AttributeError: module 'owlready2' has no attribute 'OperationalError'"
Could you help me to resolve the error or at least to catch the error to continue the process even I can't process all the documents ?
Thank you very much,