Ontology reasoning

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Ontology reasoning

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I have extented the DMOP ontology for meta-learning using protege. I am able to run the reasoner on TBox.

I am populating this ontology using owlready. However, when I run the reasoner I get the following error:



There is nothing on the specified line.

I do not have any rules defined in the ontology at this point.

Any idea how can I solve? Because I have multiple datapoints, I am unable to paste the entire code here.  But here is the snippet.

Assume I have loaded all the namespaces. I am able to save this generated RDF file, but not the reasoning.

When I run Hermit or Pellet using protege on the knowledge base the protege classifies classes and object properties. While running the reasoner on data properties, it gets stuck.

for i in range(len(df)):
        featureSelectionTask = dmop.FeatureSelectionTask()
        mtla = mtl.MetaLearningAlgorithm()
        fileName = df['File'][i]
        fileObject = dmop.DataSetClass(fileName)

        outClass =dmop.StructuredPredictionModelClass()
        nFeatures = dmop1.NumberOfFeatures()

I solved the pellet issue by setting JAVA_HOME variable for owlready. Still I have the same problem for Hermit.