Ontology population: Cellfie (Protégé Plugin) and Owlready2

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Ontology population: Cellfie (Protégé Plugin) and Owlready2

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The Protégé plugin "Cellfie" (https://github.com/protegeproject/cellfie-plugin) allows us to populate an ontology from an Excel Workbook.

From Protégé 5: Tools > Create axiom from Excel Workbook.

For example, an ontology can be populated automatically (by rules) with a spreadsheet composed of 3 columns (triples) and many rows:

- For the instances/individuals: subject | predicate (property) | object
- For the classes: subject | predicate (filler) | object

I would like to know if it is possible to perform the same automated work with Owlready2?

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Re: Ontology population: Cellfie (Protégé Plugin) and Owlready2


Owlready2 does not have this functionality as such, but using Python and Owlready2, you can program a Cellfie-liker tool easily. Python's cvs module can be used to load CSV files, which can be saved from spreadsheets (Excel or LibreOffice). However,

Best regards,